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  •  Tuesday – Friday 10-5
Saturday - 10-4

MS-SPWG Spiritual Women Green by Chanda Conway

Spiritual Women Green by Chanda Conway

Spiritual Women are an integral part of Aboriginal dreamtime stories. The ancestor spirit came down to the earth in human form and created most of the things that their future generations would need. They created the animals, rocks, waterholes, plants, rivers, mountains and other necessary essentials. During creation time, the spirit women were dancing, singing and entertaining the forefathers in the evening.

The ancestors created the relations between various groups of people, between individuals, their relations with lands, animals and how to preserve the relations. Ancestors taught them how to maintain close harmony with each other. The ancestors disappeared after their creations; they stayed in the sacred sites. For this reason, land is always close to the heart of Aboriginal people. The material value of the land is not what the Aboriginal people think is important. They look at the land as part of the Dreamtime, to be preserved for future generations to appreciate.

Honeybee Quilt Store
9308 Anderson Mill Rd #300
Austin, TX 78729

  •  Tuesday – Friday 10-5
  •  Saturday 10-4
  •  512-257-1269