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  •  Tuesday – Friday 10-5
Saturday - 10-4

MS-DROB Dreaming in One Black

Dreaming in One Black by Bradley Stafford

Bradly is an experienced and hardworking Aboriginal designer. His works are clear and attractive. In this design, Bradley skilfully put together various designs in one canvas. Each motive is different and colourful. Bradley dreamt various dreaming in one like Bush Food, Witchetty Grub, Kangaroo Path, Bush Dreaming, Long Neck Turtles and Honey Ant Dreaming. In Bush food it shows the plants which grow in both summer and winter seasons, in Witchetty Grub Dreaming explains the Witchetty Grub habitats around the waterhole, kangaroo path Dreaming puts the thought of Kangaroo jumping around the bush. In bush dreaming it show the plantation around the waterhole and how people are depended on Vegetation. In turtle dreaming it shows the path of Long Neck Sea Turtles and Honey Ant Dreaming gives the idea of how they collect honey from the flowers in the bush. Bradley’s excellent designs add enormously to enhance their age-old culture of Aboriginal Dreaming.

ople give respect and talk to the snakes regarding their requirement for water. There is a connection between guarding snakes and people.

Honeybee Quilt Store
9308 Anderson Mill Rd #300
Austin, TX 78729

  •  Tuesday – Friday 10-5
  •  Saturday 10-4
  •  512-257-1269